Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Coconut Red Lentil Soup

Oh lentils, how I love thee!  

I have a weird affection for lentils during the fall and winter months.  These hearty legumes come in all sort of colors, shapes, and sizes.  When I walk down the lentil aisle at the Farmer's Market, I literally feel my excitement rising inside of me.  Which color will I choose?  Do I want split lentils or unsplit?  The options are endless...

This soup recipe from lets the lentil shine.  You finish eating a bowl of this soup only wanting more.  Luckily for me, Matt had a field trip the day after I made this for dinner which meant I got all the leftovers.  In the end, the soup ends up looking like a thick chili filled with large carrots.  When I made this recipe, I actually doubled the carrots but halved all the other ingredients.  I also only had brown lentils in our cabinet so I just used those instead of red. If you half the recipe, you will end up with about four big servings.  If you are interested in experimenting with lentils and some slightly exotic flavors such as ginger and curry, I would highly suggest giving this recipe a chance.  Here is the link to one of the most perfect fall and winter soups:  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Sweetheart, after your joy of making things with lentils, I may have to try some if I ever cook. Dad
