Friday, October 26, 2012

Baked Tomato Risotto

Today is Friday.  One of the best days of the week.  When you begin Friday, you know the two days before you hold so many possibilities of freedom.  Freedom to get up whenever you want, to eat lunch/dinner whenever you get the urge, to go wherever your heart leads you.  I love the weekends.

Today's recipe was made on a Thursday evening on the eve of the weekend glory.  Unfortunately, this dish was anything but glory-filled in the eyes of my supportive husband.  Although I enjoyed this dish, sweet Matt didn't seem to get into the tomato sauce on rice aspect.  In the end, watching him eat while trying to act like he was enjoying this dinner was one of the best parts of the meal.  He was trying to hard to like it.  After thinking it over, he concluded the sauce would have been better on pasta.  I did agree that it needed something else with it, something a little more substantial.  However, I ate it that night and the next day for lunch, loving it both times.

Here is the link to the recipe:  If you happen to give this recipe a chance, would you mind letting me know what you think?  I would really appreciate that.  And if you do try it, I hope you enjoy!


  1. Umm, that looks SO good. I will try to make it this week! But I like stuff like that anyway, unlike Matt maybe...

  2. Mary, I would love for you to try this recipe! Please let me know what you think.

    PS-I just figured out how to post on a post. You all better watch out!
