Sunday, April 14, 2013

Super Awesome Zero Point Smoothie

The other day I was try to find something to fill my stomach that wouldn't be too bad for me or too filling.  I decided to try to make a smoothie type concoction because we had some frozen pineapple that I wanted to use.  When trying to decide this afternoon snack,  I also knew it couldn't have too many Weight Watcher points in it because we were having a big dinner and I would use my daily points with that meal.

So what I ended up with was a smoothie that was super awesome and super easy.  I just added a banana, about two cups of frozen pineapple, and one Fresca into the blender and away it went.  I didn't add any ice or any additional liquid.  The Fresca and frozen pineapple helped make it creamy, smooth, and filling.  This smoothie recipe is a must-try.  If you have diet soda or diet ginger ale, those would be easy no-calorie substitutes for the Fresca.  Since originally making this smoothie recipe on Wednesday, I have made them almost every afternoon after work.  It is my fruit-filled way to unwind from the day.  I hope you enjoy!


Super Awesome Zero Point Smoothie

1.5- 2 cups of frozen fruit (i.e. pineapple, berry mix, strawberries, peaches)
1 piece of unfrozen fruit (i.e. banana, grapes)
1 can of no-calorie clear soda

Place all three ingredients in a blender.  Blend on the Ice Crush setting until desired consistency.  Enjoy!



  1. Hmmmm...I am going to try peaches and strawberries. That is my favorite go to fruit combo...(ie Frosty Frog!)

  2. I truly am missing the gene that makes people think of these awesome things. You took all of that gene.
