Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Five out of Five: The Chicken Wing Rating System

The other day Matt suggested I do a post on what a "Five out of Five Chicken Wings" review actually means.  I have been using this rating system since the beginning of this blog and have given very little explanation of it.  So, here we go...

It all began when Matt discovered this restaurant called Curley's.  It is a fried chicken place pretty close to our house.  They specialize in chicken wings dipped in the "special" Curley's sauce and state every chicken they serve is hormone-free.  Matt swears they are the best dipped chicken wings in the entire world.

I, on the other hand, don't really enjoy this place.  (I am putting this lightly for the sake of slandering this restaurant.) I have nothing at all against their food but have everything against their unpredictably long wait times and their inability to hear when you call in an order.  ("Yes, that's Matt, M-A-T-T. No, not Nathaniel. Matt. M-A-T-T")  Unfortunately, that five out of five chicken wings rating system has come from Matt's love of this place.  You should see his face when I suggest he picks up Curley's on a Friday night when I don't feel like cooking.   It is like I am the best wife in the world times one hundred.

With that explanation, you now know where the chicken wings rating system has come from.  Matt originally wanted me to rate recipes by saying "This is three-fourths of a Curley's" or "This recipe is one-fifth of a Curley's" but I told him that I didn't think people would understand that rating system.  We came to a compromise with the chicken wings.  The beauty of marriage=compromise.

Here is a picture of this "five out of five chicken wings" meal and (strangely) the cooking glory I aim to reach in each dinner or recipe I try.


  1. Bahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! You made me lol!!!!! I have never had curleys (and quite frankly don't know if I want to) but love this story of the chicken wings!!

  2. hahaha You are hilarious! Good to know!
