Monday, January 21, 2013

Arugula Butter: A Zesty Butter Addition

This past weekend has been a creative and cooking filled weekend for me.  I have loved it!  On two separate occasions I have pulled out my food processor to help in the cooking preparation.  My food processor and I have a love/hate relationship.  I hate cleaning this monster of a cooking device after using it, however, I always love the end result of whatever food item I am trying to create.  As I am thinking and writing at this moment, I am quickly realizing that my love for this magical machine quickly outweighs my disliking of washing dishes.  The way my food processor can chop, mince, and complete obliterate any item placed in it always blows my mind.  It is seriously magical to watch.  (If you don't have a food processor, I highly recommend you get one.  Your life will be changed forever.)

I have used arugula butter in previous recipes but have only made it in small batches at a time.  While trying to see what leftovers we had in the refrigerator, I found a huge bag of arugula I had bought last Sunday at the Farmer's Market.  I had completely forgotten about it!  As I inspected the bag, I noticed only a couple of the leaves were slightly wilted and looking on the older side.  I was actually quite impressed with this because sometimes those bags of salad only seem to last four or five days before going bad.  This arugula had made it an entire week hidden in a corner of the fridge.

In hopes of not loosing the entire bag of delicious arugula to wilted grossness in the next couple days, I decided I was going to use it to make a large batch of arugula butter to keep in my fridge for later use.  I love to throw a spoonful of this butter on hot couscous or even whole wheat pasta.  It adds such a zest and peppery taste to a possibly plain pasta or grain dish.  Sprinkle these dishes with some parmesan cheese and you got yourself simply a masterpiece.  I hope you enjoy!

Arugula Butter

1 stick unsalted butter, chopped into tablespoon blocks
7-8 cups of arugula
1 tablespoon and 1 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt

Place blocks of butter in food processor along with two cups of arugula.  Pulse for about 10 seconds or until most of the arugula is mixed with the butter.  Add two more cups of arugula.  Pulse until mixed.  Continue adding and pulsing until all the arugula has been added.  Pour in the lemon juice.  Pulse.  Add salt.  Pulse for about 10-15 more seconds or until desired consistency has been reached.  Taste and add more salt if needed.  Store in a sealed container.



  1. Who would even think to do that?? Not me, that's fo sho. You are so creative.

  2. I was in my cooking class yesterday, and someone said, "have you ever tried arugula pesto?" What a versatile ingredient. I am going to have to get more familiar with this.

  3. Great idea!! Sounds awesome!

  4. sitting here thinking i want to cook with my arugula (like braised, use more as herb than raw for salad) that is doing so well in the garden right now.... a couple of searches on pinterest..... nada.... googled arugula & butter.... top of the list.... perfect.... gonna put this on some cast iron steaks for dinner tonight. thank you & pinning! :)
