Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Greens, Beans, and Cornbread

Happy New Year to all!  It is hard to believe that 2012 has already flown by and we are entering a new year with new possibilities.  As I accidently keep writing "2012" on all the forms at work, I think back to how blessed I am to have lived another wonderful year. What is that saying?  When I look back at what God has done, it makes me feel confident of his hand in the future.  The saying is something like that.  Anyway, looking back over 2012 makes me excited, anxious, scared, and hopeful about what is to come in this next year.

This week I have just not felt like cooking.  I think it is because I finished 2012 with a slight cooking disaster.  If I am honest, I might still be recovering from my flop.  For New Year's Eve dinner, I had been waiting to use a bean and cornbread recipe we got as a prepackaged meal from my sweet parents.  I will take all the blame for this meal's unfortunateness.  I made substitutions when I just shouldn't have.  If a cornbread recipe calls for buttermilk, I have now learned the hard way that subbing in light plain soymilk is definitely not the best option.  Also, I cooked mustard greens for the first time as a side to this meal.  I don't love them as much as collards, kale, spinach, arugula or just about any other green I have ever tried.  Oh well! You live and you learn.

That learning process is probably one of the most exciting adventures I hope to continue in 2013.  I am so excited to keep cooking and to keep blogging about it.  I just love doing both of those things.  I don't know why. I just do.  So with that, happy 2013 and happy cooking!  I look forward to sharing more in the year to come.    


  1. I am surprised you didn't like the mustard greens since we used them at Christmas brunch. Anyway, I will take note from your mistakes...thank you for sparing me.

  2. I'm so sad it didn't turn out well!! I have been eating our beans and greens all week!! Oh well! You live and you learn! Love you!!
